Keep Your Home Humidified and Comfortable All Winter Long

Dry, chilly air does not always bring comfort during the winter months. Turning on the heat removes even more moisture from the air, making your home dry and uncomfortable. One way to alleviate this problem is to install a whole-house humidifier, which works in unison with your HVAC system to disperse soothing moisture throughout your home. Moisturizing the air can help with the following:
Dry Skin Issues. When air lacks humidity, your skin can dry out, causing itching and flaking. Help fight this with humidified air, which can help keep your skin moisturized throughout the winter.
Static Electricity. Dry indoor air can encourage a buildup of static electricity. Help prevent damage to computers and sensitive electronics with humidified air!
Damage to Wood Furnishings. Low moisture in the winter air can cause wood to shrink, splinter and crack. By maintaining ideal levels, you can help protect your family treasures.
Energy Costs. Proper humidification can make your home feel warmer, allowing you to turn down your thermostat and save money on energy costs.
NJR Home Services is here to help keep you comfortable all year long. For more information about whole-house humidifiers and indoor air quality options, click here. To request a quote, click here or call 877-865-5245.